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Hawkins, John: Chidiock’s End


PDF                    Printed

for brass quintet. Score and full set of parts.

Scoring: Brass quintet – 2 trumpets in C, Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba.

Durata: ca 4 min.

Score format: A4.

Part format: B4 or A4 on request.

Year of composition: 2023

Read more about John Hawkins HERE.
SKU: ES-22080 Categories: , , , ,

The young Chidiock Tichborne was condemned to death in 1586 for his part in a plot against Queen Elizabeth 1st.
Before his execution (some say the night before) he wrote the famous poem ‘My prime of youth is but a frost of cares’ which was set for voices by his contemporary John Mundy. I have taken the first four notes (only) of Mundy’s setting as the basis of this sad drama.    J.H.

Separate printed score: 200 kr (Coil bound. A4 format. 7 pages. Frosted plastic front, hardback.)
Separate score in PDF: 160 kr. (A4 format. 7 pages)

Printed parts: à 50 kr (B4 format. 3 pages, tissue tape binding)
Parts in PDF: à 40 kr (A4 or B4-format. 3 pages.)

In the printed material, you get 5 parts: 5 x 50 = 250 sek
In PDF, you get 5 parts: 5 x 40 = 200 sek
Please contact us to pre-adjust or change the order.

Full set, score and parts

PDF, Printed